3 Stars
Aimee Carter
During nine months of captivity, Kate Winters has survived a jealous goddess, a vengeful Titan and a pregnancy she never asked for. Now the Queen of the Gods wants her unborn child, and Kate can't stop her--until Cronus offers a deal. In exchange for her loyalty and devotion, the King of the Titans will spare humanity and let Kate keep her child. Yet even if Kate agrees, he'll destroy Henry, her mother and the rest of the council. And if she refuses, Cronus will tear the world apart until every last god and mortal is dead. With the fate of everyone she loves resting on her shoulders, Kate must do the impossible: find a way to defeat the most powerful being in existence, even if it costs her everything. Even if it costs her eternity.
The scene opens with Kate giving birth while in captivity and Henry knows finally that she is a prisoner and not on her mission to find Rhea. The birth takes mere minutes and Hera whisks away the baby. Kate promises something to Cronus so that he will save her baby, but the price is too steep and how can even face Henry after making promises like that to Cronus! Moments later Henry appears and a fight ensues which involves all the Gods trying to rescue Kate. Calliope is completely nuts and she threatens Henry with a knife to kill Gods they fight and a struggle ensues in which Henry appears to be mortally wounded, he has enough strenght and makes to make to Olympus with Kate. She is patched up but unfortunately Henry is put into a coma like state because of his fight with Calliope and the weapon. Needing to save Henry and rescue her son from his captures she sets out to find Rhea with James. When they locate Rhea in the grasslands of Africa and ask for her help in battle against Cronus she refuses saying that she can't fight against her husband that she does not condone his actions of violence. She does fortunately heal Henry and Kate which I guess is a plus but ugh she is just so infuriating trying to take the high road against violence. When they get back to Olympus Kate continues to visit her son through her visions. She discovers Calliope secret weapon and the reason why Ava was so complaint. I can't talk much more because that would totally give the book away, but yea the book gets intense after this point. And finally Kate gets her backbone back!! She stops being such a whinny girl about everybody stepping on her and becomes the heroine I first fell in love with. I mean she was getting just a little too annoying, when we first met her she was a strong high school student caring for her dieing mother. This is the girl whom Henry fell in love with the strong, pig headed, independent women. Then as the series has progressed on she has just been so weak and jealous with everything never bothering to fight and finally she does in this book I'm proud! Which is why I gave the book 3 stars I loved this series before this book and I totally would have rated it as one of my favorite series of all times, but this book was just so rushed (in my opinion) and it tied up all the loose ends and ended the battle with Cronus, but rather sloppily. The best redeeming qualities where Kate getting her spunk back and the ending! Boy did the ending through me for a loop! I just couldn't believe it (spoiler alert) one of key characters dies!! YES DIES! There is another death, but I was happy about that so no big deal for me. In the end I will let you know things turn out as well as possible which was a consolation considering all Henry and Kate have been through to be together. But over all the book I wasn't impressed it was rushed and I didn't like the story plot I feel like the story could have been completed with out the need for Kate to have a baby. I always hate when that happens, I feel like the heroine got gypped out of her rightful story line and stuck with some other one for deadline writing. Sorry Aimee Carter I really did love your other two books.
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