
Monday, July 2, 2012


P.C and Kristen Cast
 2 Stars
 Zoey is finally home where she belongs, safe with her Guardian Warrior, Stark, by her side, and preparing to face off against Neferet - which would be a whole lot easier if the High Counsel saw the ex-High Priestess for what she really is. Kalona has released his hold on Rephaim, and, through Nyx's gift of a human form, Rephaim and Stevie Rae are finally able to be together - if he can truly walk the path of the Goddess and stay free of his father's shadow...
But there are new forces at work at the House of Night. An influx of humans, including Lenobia's handsome horse whisperer, threatens their precarious stability. And then there's the mysterious Aurox, a jaw-droppingly gorgeous teen boy who is actually more - or possibly less - than human. Only Neferet knows he was created to be her greatest weapon. But Zoey can sense the part of his soul that remains human, the compassion that wars with his Dark calling. And there's something strangely familiar about him...
Will Neferet's true nature be revealed before she succeeds in silencing them all? And will Zoey be able to touch Aurox's humanity in time to protect him - and everyone - from his own fate? Find out what's destined in the next thrilling chapter of the House of Night series.

This is the 9th book so I can tell you that I am an avid reader of the series, but I feel like it is being dragged on for too long. As the 9th book I felt that it was very slow moving and just continued to reiterate points that have already been made in books before. I know that Nefert is evil blah, blah, blah...can we beat her already or get beat by her it is getting a tad annoying. The only I can say I liked about this book was Rephiam, Kalona, and Shanuee. The huge development is Kalona's character was totally unexpected and a great addition to the story. I was so happy when Nyx granted Rephiam humanity because he had formed such a bond with Stevie Rae and was able to turn away from the darkness, I thought his humanity was a truly deserved gift. And Shanuee finally becoming her own person was a twist as well. Don't get me wrong I love the "twins", but when Shanuee started thinking for herself I loved her all the more. Zoe and Stark just keep getting on my nerves I want them to have a happy ending, but I don't understand why Zoe can't protect Stark too. I will continue to finish reading the series and I hope the last 3 books will move more quickly and be more interesting.

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