
Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Enchanted Truth

3 Stars
Kym Petrie
In this humorous and insightful tale, a modern day princess finds herself single and asking for magical intervention to change her sorry love life. Rather than casting a spell to bring Prince Charming to her rescue, a savvy fairy godmother gives the tenderhearted damsel an unexpected gift. By entrusting her true thoughts and desires to an unlikely confidant, the young royal soon discovers that the person who could make her life everything she dreamed it would be has been with her all along.As author Kym Petrie herself realized, every woman needs a froggy friend and a secret journal—and enough adventures with the girls to keep her heart pounding and her mind racing. Life is meant to be about happy beginnings . . . you can never have enough of them.

Though it was a short story I did enjoy it very much. It shows that you can't always wait for prince charming to come find you, you shouldn't have to have someone to complete you, you should complete yourself. You should be happy just the way you are and then your prince will find you. You need to love yourself before anyone else will love you. This story actually inspired me to write a list of what I want in my prince charming. I took some tips from the princess and added them to my list and though I am still looking for my white knight I will follow the princesses example and have fun while waiting for him. I loved how the princess grew as the story progressed and by the end she wasn't a damsel in distress waiting she was out their having fun. She learned she must love herself and respect herself enough to be able to find someone to share her life with. The fairy godmother was also another character I found entertaining she was able to help the princess by guiding her not by giving her everything she wanted. "When will they learn that happiness isn't a gift that comes to rescue you on's a light you have to reach for inside." Fairy Godmother said it just perfect. The mother was kinda funny she represents the old belief that you must wait for your man which isn't true anymore.

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